Monday, July 28, 2008

Oh, it worked... Okay, well I guess there's that.

Being bored.

Laziness = 1
Productivity = 0

So far today, I've attempted to wash my floors, attempted to clean the living room, succeeded in fucking around, and failed at doing anything worthwhile.
Days like this make me realize how much I need to get my fucking shit together.
I can't be bothered to do basic household tasks (except washing dishes... I like that.) but I can easily piss away 4 hours in front of this fucking screen or lying in bed sleeping. What kind of life is that?
Oh and the worst part is that my internet is being a piece of shit (what else is new?) so this entry probably won't even get published.
I feel so horrible and ugly and lame today. Being alone with myself is kind of making me want to bang my head against the wall. Well, there goes the internet. What a fucking waste of time.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Long time, no update.

For Roxy's sake, I am updating the b-log. Not much to say, really... We got a sweet new table for the living room... Our rooms are still a mess... Yep, that's about it.
I have a video of my cat drinking expired milk out of a cup that I will attempt to post for your enjoyment.
